15 Short Points to glory in Stock Market for Beginners
- Always
be patient in Stock Market. You will always get a better price.
- Never
try to time the market when investing/ When “INVESTING” timing the market
is a bad bad thing
- Always
try to stay in Liquid stocks.
- Never
try to chase the herd.
- Diversify
your portfolio.
- Penny
can shine only once in a while/blue moon.
- When
a stock owner you are a part owner of the business.
- News
can impact a particular stock for a short period of time.
- Perform
due deligence on stocks before buying DONOT take others advice for
- Buying
a stock is only half job done. Deciding when to sell is equally important.
- Dont
always let greed overcome your decision making power.
- Buy
in stock by keeping future prospects in mind.
- You
cannot earn all the money in one day.
- You
will hardly find a good quality stock at cheap valuations.
- Stocks
can show irrational movements. Do not lose confidence stick to your